Clinical Director and CEO
Stan Sorensen, MFT
When Stan began his teaching career in Japan in 1969, little did he know where his journey would take him. Following a hint that salvation of a despairing life could occur through learning, but most importantly through unlearning, Stan entered Sophia University in Tokyo with the intent of finding himself and discovering the meaning of life. His undergraduate degree in Psychology left him unquenched, and so he searched further into various mystic schools and traditions before finding new life and hope in the experiential and transformational activities of the human growth movement popular in the 70's and 80's. After returning to the US in 1983, Stan received his MA degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and has worked in various treatment modalities since, including acute inpatient behavioral health, psychosocial rehabilitation, children's programs, substance abuse and integrated primary care. He considers the creation of the Healing Exchange Center as his "end game" and he is committed to leaving a legacy for all seekers to enjoy!